Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Macie's 5th Birthday

Tuesday February 16, 2016

The 4 above pics on from her birthday eve; setting up.

It is hard to believe that my baby girl is 5 years old! WOW! Leading up to her birthday, we had been staying with my friend Nichole and her kiddos because our kids did not have school those two days and so I was picking up more hours at work, so all the kiddos hung out at her secured building while we went to work. Nichole helped me set up the night before. Macie was asleep when I left for work (I had to go in at 7am) but I called her later that morning to wish her a happy birthday. I left donuts for a special breakfast treat and allowed her to open one gift while she waited for me to get home. Luckily I got off work at 3 (I worked straight through, no lunch break so that I could get to her earlier; this is her first birthday where I've had a job!). We were gifted with a gift card to Space Alien's, one of her favorite restaurants, so for supper Nichole and I and all 6 kiddos went there. We came back to Nichole's where she had made Macie a strawberry birthday cake and Macie opened the rest of her gifts. What a blessing to be surrounded by our new, sweet friends (will need to talk more on this later!). Macie and Asher will be having a joint birthday party on March 5.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! Mama loves you SOOOOOOO much!

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