Thursday, February 14, 2013

Jesus saves [insert here]

Not only does Jesus save lives, but He saves families/marriages/hopes/you name the situation. Saving; it's what He does!

I personally have witnessed it and experienced it. This week alone He has saved my heart, my choices. He can make beautiful out of ugly.

I reached my breaking point, so much that I was left speechless. But He saved me. He saved the situation; redeemed it. I don't doubt that all the help from my prayer warriors were part of it. I'm thankful for their faithfulness to seek Him, while I was too distraught to care to react productively.

I write this feeling such a sense of renewal in my heart. Hope, once more, coming alive inside of me. Just that extra bit of strength I needed, I've received.

And onward I shall go. The road is of it are bumpy...I see some mountains approaching...but I know now I don't face this road alone; He walks with me, beside me, He's been there, before me.

Thank You, Jesus, for saving _________________ ;-)

Happy Valentine's, folks!

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