Sunday, March 29, 2020

His Voice

This was originally written on 5/1/17 - why I never posted it - well, probably a lack of faith. I am posting it now to serve as a reminder for myself and encouragement to others. Listen to Him - even if the world dare says different, listen to the Father for He is trustworthy.

Monday May 1 2017

I was feeling especially down. Day 3 of strep throat, the week of finals, no less, all weekend plans had to be canceled, just days prior finding out I may have re-occurring thyroid cancer. It was too much. I started asking in anger WHY?! Like if this is all my life is going to be, fighting to stay alive, then what is the point of BEING alive?! And by the end of that day I felt a peace that said, "This is not cancer." And though I want to shout this from the roof tops, part of me is like, "but what if this test comes back saying this or that? Then people will think of God as a liar, or think I'm a loonie, or what if it causes my faith flounders?" etc. etc. But today at the Healing Rooms - they told me to go with it. There's my answer from God - that "what if"? That's from the enemy.

It was an evening in November 2012 and I was getting out of the shower. I was listening to Q100 radio station. They were talking about Brooke Burke's recent diagnosis with thyroid cancer. This was after my biopsy but before surgery, this was still in my "wait". They were just talking about her and I felt a peace saying that I do have thyroid cancer. And it wasn't scary, but it was a peace. And that is how I went in on surgery day and everything was OK but HE HAD TOLD ME IN ADVANCE. And the frozen section came back as no cancer but a week or so later, lab work said yes it was! So He was right.

He prepares us in advance. His VOICE IS PEACE.

As I left the Healing Rooms this evening, storm clouds hovered overhead, and it started to rain. He makes all things new. About 5 weeks ago, I was leaving prayer at my church because I was facing another potentially scary diagnosis. It was raining lightly and He makes all things new came to mind. I had peace then.

God is doing something big here. Preparing for something big, or something - I am not sure of the details but SOMETHING BIG IS ABOUT TO GO DOWN. I'm clinging to what He said - I am believing that word was from Him. I will enjoy this rain as it falls down on earth and I thank my Father and Creator for providing rain which nourishes, which helps things to growth.

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