Friday, September 11, 2015

Sibling Love

Macie and I were at the store today and I had gotten her a treat.  We also grabbed something for the boys. While in the checkout line, Macie was talking about what we got the boys and shared her excitement in giving it to them. The lady in front of us turned around and commented on how sweet it is that Macie wants to get something for the boys and that most little girls don't love their brothers that way.

And ya know what, I may be biased, but I think my kids have a pretty special bond between them. Yes of course they will fight as all siblings do, but their love for one another is like nothing I've ever seen before. They are so close in every aspect. Ultra protective of one another. Always thinking of the other. Their love is inspiring! I am proud to be their mom and so excited to see how their friendships blossom as they grow.

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