Tuesday, August 27, 2013

They Said It Would Never Happen

Yesterday I saw my naturopath for the results from my thyroid panel. Overall, everything is looking good. She put me on new thyroid medicine instead of Nature-Throid, and I am to continue the Iodoral (I had it wrong before and said iodine-this also contains potassium). My TPO antibody was checked again, and is now in the normal range under 35; 28. That means no. auto immune. disease. =) One health problem down! This is a huge deal, and again, more confirmation. I am feeling really good about the progress being made. The endocrinologist told me this would never happen, and it did, thanks to God. I am so grateful. 

In other good news, in just a couple weeks, I'll be going to a conference called Healing Strong. Here's something from their website:

"The HealingStrong Conference and Retreat is designed to provide vital information and support to those who are facing cancer or other life threatening diagnoses and are seeking wisdom about holistic and alternative treatment options. Through general sessions, dynamic practitioners, authors and nutritionists will share foundational principles that support healing. In small group sessions, participants will learn and interact with others who have been successful in their own journey from sickness to health.
This conference is 100% driven by volunteers, from the kitchen angels who will be working with the retreat center to prepare healthy, delicious meals to the dozens of volunteers who are working behind the scenes.
Our goal is for each participant to be empowered to discover purposeful healing through intentional living." - healingstrong.com
I am very excited about learning and getting to share what I've learned. Feeling so blessed. So, so blessed. Thankful to Jesus. Just ignore me, marinatin' in His goodness, for I am surely drowning in it by now.

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