Thursday, August 8, 2013


"Having faith doesn't mean I have all the answers. It means trusting God especially in the midst of uncertainty."

"You've never gone too far that God can't redeem you, restore you, forgive you, and give you a second (or third, or fourth, or fifth...!) chance. Fight the enemy's lies with that truth tonight, my sweet friends!"

"I have discovered a few things that help me when God seems silent, and I pray they are encouraging to you tonight…

- Press in to God when you want to pull away.
- Praise God out loud when you want to get lost in complaints.
- Put yourself in the company of truth by spending time with those who will speak life into you."

"Being uncertain and scared and riddled with doubt some days isn't a sign of bad things to come. It's actually quite the opposite. After all, if great things weren't on the horizon, I don't think the enemy would be so bent on attacking us."

"Real faith isn’t a hopeful wish. Real faith is making the decision that no matter the outcome, we’ll choose to see it as God’s perfect answer.

Through the good. Through the not-so-good. And even through the down right awful- we will trust God. Now this doesn’t mean we won’t cry and express hurt. But it does mean we’ve decided it’s better to have lived trying to take leaps of faith with God, than to walk away from Him."

All quotes from Lysa TerKeurst that I find encouraging.

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