Growing up, we were told that there was no Santa Claus. It wasn't told to us in an educational or kind way, but in a negative, judgmental to others, kind of way. By the time I was in my pre teens, my younger siblings were being told that Santa does exist. I felt so robbed. In fact, I tried my hardest to believe, but alas, I ... couldn't. So, I always said I would let my kids believe in Santa.
I don't remember Santa being a big deal around here til the past couple of years. Yes, we've done pictures with Santa and I've also always put them in little Santa outfits when they're little, but we didn't talk about him much. So obviously with time that's changed, as has my heart.
Last year a dear friend of mine told me that her kids "pretend" to believe in Santa, but that they know full and well he doesn't really exist. I found that so interesting. She went on to explain that when her younger sister found out Santa doesn't really exist, she started doubting God's existence as well. THAT MAKES PERFECT SENSE. Plus, I can't get over the fact that I'm straight up lying to my kids AND this imaginary dude is getting credit for what Perry and I do!
Well, since last year I have met several other families that don't do the whole Santa bit. It really became a burden on my heart, so I talked to Perry about it, got his ok to tell them the truth.
So I didn't have an idea of how to break the news to them. I prayed that God would give me the right words to say, and that they would receive them well.
I started off by reading the story of Jesus' birth. We talked about how His birth is the real meaning behind Christmas, and that God gave us the best gift ever; His son, Jesus. We talked about why we give gifts to one another and so Santa came up. I then read them a book (childrens) about St. Nicholas. I then told them how he was a real person who lived a long time ago, etc. I then went on to explain that is where the idea of Santa Claus came from; from St. Nicholas. Zeke asked, "So Santa isn't real? Then how do we get our presents?" I proudly told him mom and dad ;) We again talked about we give presents to each orher to show we care, but again, the best gift is the one God gave us. We talked about how daddy and I are his, his brother's, and his sister's St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus. Now, I did say if he would like to "pretend" Santa exists that's ok, so long as he remembers the truth, but more importantly, remembers the real reason we celebrate Christmas. He didn't seem so interested in that, and that's fine by me!!
So finish it all up, we (Zeke, Asher, & I) pinky promised not to lie to each other ever again. And that's the other thing - Zeke was more bothered by the fact we lied to him about Santa than he was that Santa wasn't real. Honestly, that kind of broke my heart. Zeke is a good kid, I hope this doesn't have any long term side effects. :-/
Well, that night I got to overhear a funny conversation between Zeke and our neighbor ehen Zeke so matter-of-factly informed him that Santa died... Wish I had that on tape!
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