Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Macie's birth story

The reason I struggle with feelings of anger and resentment when it comes to Macie's birth is this truly should've been my "best" one to date. This was my first pregnancy out of my teens (whoop whoop) and the pregnancy in general was a good one. No premature thinning cervix, no pre-eclampsia, no baby measuring big (if you even want to consider that a "pregnancy problem").

I always wanted an all natural birth. And this would be the time I was supposed to get my wish. (The boys births are another story for another time.) I guess somewhere deep down I knew achieving my goal would be difficult with a hospital birth. They love to keep you hooked up to monitors and IVs (at least at the hospital where I had my babies), they don't want you moving around which makes handling contractions even worse, they like to do their little medical interventions, I don't know but its like one thing leads to another and the next thing ya know its like you NEED an epidural to deal. And that's not fair if that's not what you want for your birth plan, but also another story for another time.

I wasn't even THAT impressed with my OB's office. I orginially loved then during my 2nd pregnancy but his whole birth experience changed my mind on that real quick. And also the fact that everyone I know who goes there ends up with a c-section. I find that quite interesting – surely not EVERYONE NEEDS a c-section (no I'm not anti-cesarean section – if it's necessary then it's necessary). Seriously, everyone I know and/or who I've met there except for myself and one other girl all had c-sects – and I know a lot of people who go there – they're a pretty big office, three different locations. My specific OB was bad (or “good”) about inductions. Ultimately, I guess I got lazy and did not look for an OB elsewhere. I guess I thought I could handle it. I'm not quite sure WHAT exactly I was thinking (pregnancy brain, maybe??).

Saturday June 26th, 2010 I found out I was pregnant. This was two days after Asher just had tubes put in, adenoids removed. Three days after our wedding anniversary. I remember Asher was still not feeling anywhere near his old self. So cranky, my poor baby wanted to be held all the time. I remember him clinging to me as I tried to take the test. And when it came out positive, I was SHOCKED, to say the least. As it started to settle in, I became scared. All of the sudden THREE sounded more like fifty to me. We went to a friend's son's birthday party that afternoon. I had so many friends there that I wanted to confide in, but it wasn't the time nor place. Of course, once the fear and everything went away, I was thrilled, or rather even through the fear I was still thrilled. I thoroughly enjoy being a mom. It is definitely my passion and one of my true loves in life!

So, throughout my pregnancy, all doctor visits went well. Unproductive. Impersonal. Quick.

Around 35 weeks I noticed a slight decrease in Macie's movement. Now, I know that is totally normal for the last stretch of pregnancy, but we all know what a paranoid person I am and how I tend to second guess myself so I thought
maybe I should get checked out. Though on my way to the dr., she became super active but by the point I was already there and was like, "What the heck, might as well since I'm here anyways!"

I was put half naked on a table, monitors strapped around my tummy monitoring Macie's heartbeat. Watchya know, it stayed pretty consistant in the 140's and I was having "contractions" (their words, not mine)... I was pleasantly pleased and kind of laughed at myself for doubting myself when, AS ALWAYS, everything turned out to be a-okay! Well, one of the midwives (Betsy) and her little midwife buddy in training come in and they're acting kinda weird. They give me this HUGE cold glass of water & tell me to start chugging. She wanted to see more movement in Macie's heartbeat. (Ummm, okay???) As I'm drinking my water, keeping my eye on the monitor to see if there's change, I don't even see her do this, but she starts shocking my stomach - without warning! Poor little Macie's heartbeat jumped up to the 150's. But still, that wasn't good enough. She checked me and I was 2cm dialated, said I was having little contractions (contractions or just my body preparing for the real deal??) and told me I might have just won myself a trip to the hospital. I was totally confused, her heartbeat was fine, this is my 3rd child so 2cm at 35 weeks is not a big deal, I wasn't really seeing the concern there.

She me across the hall to get an ultrasound and the ultrasound tech was like, "So what am I looking for? This baby is totally fine!" I was like, "THANK YOU!" Macie was practicing swallowing, head down, plenty of fluid - all was well! The midwife took me to the office and INSISTED if there's any decrease in movement I need to come straight back or head to the hospital! She wanted me to make an appointment with my regular OB doctor. Between you and I, I never made that appointment. At that point, in all honesty, and I KNOW this sounds bad, but it's like I had no respect for that man, just fear of him. I didn't want to see him in fear of what he may do...(see Asher's birth story)

I had already had my 36 week appointment scheduled and I did show up for that. (So it's just that I never had a 37 week appointment.) It was with a midwife, Joy, and what a joy she was {*note: my feelings have since changed, but at the time of writing this, I didn't know somethings about her that I know now)! I told her how I wanted an all nature birth. She was so kind and supportive of it. She told me to stay at home as long as possible.She told me she thinks Macie would be my smallest baby and I agreed - I had been saying that my whole pregnancy with her (in fact, the midwife who delivered Macie INSISTED Macie would be one of my bigger babies when in fact, Macie was my smallest baby)! She actually SPENT TIME WITH ME, answering questions, giving advice – unlike with the Obs, I didn't feel rushed by her - we even talked a little smack on some of the docs up there. I even talked with her about how I want my labor to go, she even took notes and put in my folder that I DO NOT want my membranes stripped. DO NOT. She was a woman after my own heart, and it was there I confessed my love for her and I told her I wanted her to deliver my baby. She told me about another midwife who shared similar beliefs as herself and suggested I see her as well. So I scheduled my next appointment to see her. Biggest. Mistake.

This was taken a week or a week and a half before Macie's debut.

Tuesday February 15th

The morning of my 38 week appointment I woke up feeling sick. Like, nerves sick. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and I remember telling my sister about it. "I don't know why but I have a really bad feeling about today." I've always been very intuitive. Sometimes I think I bring these bad things to myself...

That morning, sitting at the OB took a lot longer than usually. So I was getting annoyed from that, plus my nerves were shot, I was having anxiety, I just wanted to go home. I was mediating a lot on my anxiety and worries. Nicht gut.

They call me back, urine, weigh, vitals.

I noticed the nurse left my blood pressure on a sticky on my folder. I don't think they normally do that. But no one said anything to me about it.

I'm brought back to the room, undress half way, and am to wait for the midwife. She took FOREVER. The anxiety was intensifying. I had such a bad feeling. I missed my boys. I wanted to go home. I hate these pointless doctor appointments.

The midwife (Wendy, the one recommended) comes in. She has a blood pressure taker thing around her neck. They don't normally take my blood pressure in the room. She starts talking about things related to my previous pregnancies which mind you, I had pre-eclampsia with my *FIRST* (only). Then she wants to go off saying I make big babies. Uhh, my babies are very average size, thank you. Granted, if I could ever make it past 38 weeks I might have 10 pounders but that doesn't matter because at the time of birth, my boys were very average size.

Here's where it becomes kinda fuzzy. So much happened. All at once. I became so upset. It's hard to remember it in order. I believe she took my blood pressure and made a comment about. I told her I was under a lot of stress, much was going on at home. She kinda mocks me and my reasons. She hints around more to the pre-eclampsia. I asked if there was protein in my urine, she seemed shocked that I even knew that was a sign of pre-eclampsia. I continued to try to get the point across that I was under much stress at home and, yeah, my blood pressure gets a little high but this was normal for me, I know all is well, this was NOT pre-eclampsia. She goes to check me. Then she goes, "I'm going to strip your membranes" AS she says it. I scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" And I start crying but it was too late - she said it AS she was doing it.

Side Note: I love how the doctors took note of my other kids name and ages on my folder, they even had unborn Macie's name on my folder. Ya know, to make it look like they actually knew me personally, like they actually remember me. But they don't pay attention to where it says, "HEY! Chica does not want membranes stripped!" Nice. Especially considering we didn't discuss it, you just went ahead and did it without any warning.

She looked concerned. Most woman don't question/fight doctors. Ha. They haven't met me.

She instructs me to lay on my side. She tells me I would be going into labor soon anyways because I'm already 4cm. I told her I wanted this to be a good birth experience. I wanted to go into labor on my own, no interventions, no medications. She told me she didn't strip them all that hard and told me to relax, she would be back to check my blood pressure again shortly. Um, yeah 'cause now that I'm all upset it's going to go down.

I call my sister. And my husband. I'm a wreck.

Eventually she returns and there's not much change in the blood pressure. What a shocker. She tells me to get dressed and meet her in the dreaded office. I do.

She tells that she wants me to come back after lunch for another check and then
go to the hospital tonight to start an induction. I'm still upset, crying some,
trying to explain my birth plan and that I KNOW nothing is wrong with me or my baby. She was active, good heart-beat, and I KNOW the signs and feelings of pre-eclampsia and I had none! So, she tries scare tactics like you're typical OB office does. {I love how we gotta make childbirth such a scary, horrifying thing, not a joyous experience. I love how we put fear in doubt in women's body to properly birth her baby – yeah, ya know, the body GOD created to do JUST THAT.} Suddenly, I had an epiphany. I stopped trying to reason with her. I realized I could just walk out. She ain't my mama. My tears dried up, I nodded and lead her to believe I would be back after lunch. My heart was pounding. I had my mind made up. I would not be returning to that doctors office again - not for prenatal purposes, at least. I literally ran out of that office, to the elevator and out to my car. Peace out, PWC, peace out!!

I called a good friend and asked her for prayers and she sent an email out to the church. I called my husband who was getting off work to be with me. I spoke with my sister. I was so shaken up. I felt so violated. I was devastated.

I went to my MIL's to pick up Asher. Well, my MIL's sister is/was a nurse and she had her come over to check my blood pressure. It did go down a little, but the lower number was still kinda high. I called and make an appointment with my regular physician to see him that afternoon. I went home to rest meanwhile.

At my regular doctor's office, the nurse and doctor himself both got different readings. Down from earlier, but lower number was kinda boarder line. I explained the situation with him. He told to come back in the AM before
they open and he'll check me and if it was still kinda high that maybe I should go in for an induction...Afterall, I had make it to 38 weeks so babe should be fine! (His words, not mine.)

I went home kinda upset, kinda unsure. Oh and did I mention, since I never did go back to my OB's office they started harassing my phone, my MIL and everyone listed on my file asking where I was and how important it is that I get back with them. Ha. I never answered or called back.

That night I started to doubt myself (story of my life). "WHAT IF??” I was so angry and upset that this was happening and in my heart I didn't think anything was wrong but what if something was?? I tried to eat, but lost all appetite, I prayed, but lost all train of thought, I tried to take my mind off things but never fully could. So how the heck would I be able to lower my blood pressure if I just kept stressing?!

Wednesday February 16th

That morning, my husband, sons and I were rushing out the door to get Zeke to school and be at the dr by 8:20ish. Of course I got to the doctors office late, by the time we got there, they were already open and seeing patients. We waited around forever. Then we taken back. Then waited more. Then the nurse took my blood pressure but her readings were off from his last time so he had told me he only goes off his own readings. Of course it would be my luck that his office was insanely busy that morning! I was fed up. I was annoyed. Her reading was still high. Of course it was. I was a freakin wreck. I didn't want to wait around on him anymore. I couldn't. I GIVE UP! I was so angry. I figured I should just go to the hospital. Blood pressure was still kinda high (lower # stayed around upper 90's-100), my membranes were stripped as is and I was already 4cm, I figured it wouldn't be much longer, anyways, after all the interventions thus far. So we left the dr's office and in the car I phoned the phone nurse @ my OB's office. She instructed me to go to the hospital. We dropped off my youngest son with MIL and off we went.

(With all the chaos, this song somehow came into my head that morning and kinda stuck with me. “When everything fall aparts, Your arms hold me together. When everything falls apart, You're the only hope for this heart.” It's a song by Fee, “Everything Falls”.)

I was ticked. With myself, them, the situation. I felt like I had no choice, I felt robbed of the birth I always dreamed of, again. No woman should be so angry on the birth day of her child. Well, we check in to the hospital, get in a room and don't ya know but the midwife from the day before is the one at the hospital. Her name is Wendy, btw.

Well at first the nurse said I could have water, then she looked at my file and the midwife, Wendy, had noted I was NOT allowed ANY fluid. I was ticked. "Oh look Perry she wants me to get dehydrated so I'll have to have a c-section! GO GET ME WATER NOW!!!" Yeah I definitely said that in front of the nurse. And if you knew my previous birth stories, you would understand the whole c-section thing. The nurse said she would ask the midwife why I'm not allowed fluids, but it didn't matter 'cause I was gonna drink some anyways – Perry was already on his way to the McDonald's in the hospital to get himself lunch and me a big ole cup of h2o.

The midwife came in to see me and was insanely nice to me (the assistant midwife in training lady from my 35wk appt. was also with her and was always there with her except for when I actually gave birth...strange, right?). She told me of course I can drink whatever. (I think I already had my water that Perry had gotten me by that point.) They took blood, hooked me up and by 12:30pm the pitocin drip started. Well, don't you know now that I know my fate and I'm all settled that my blood pressure goes straight back to normal?! I mean, better than normal. PERFECT. Haa. AND ALL my blood work came back EXCELLENT. Wow, why don't ya know, look who DOESN'T HAVE PRE-ECLAMPSIA. But oh looky, it's too late now. Are you happy now, Mrs. Midwife Ma'am?!

She kept wanting to break my water but I didn't want her to. "But it's bulging, please let me." Ew and no. They wouldn't let me walk around so I would take "really long potty breaks" and walked around the room. During all this my husband was really enjoying the free wifi. Yay for him. The contractions weren't so bad. And I was thinking,"Ok, I know pitocin makes contractions worse but may be I can handle this without an epidural." My nurse kept asking me about an epidural and it just kinda bothers me that they automatically assume everyone wants medication.

I think the midwife felt terrible for the day before, for stripping my membranes, because she was so kind to both my husband and I. She was asking questions and being so polite, having conversations with us (or should I say him, I was still kinda bitter and didn't feel like chit-chatting). She stayed in the room for long stints of time when with my other pregnancies they check ya and left ya. She and my husband had nice long conversations about their love for Harry Potter. It was kind of weird.

By 3:40pm her nagging of breaking the water got old, I was in labor and annoyed, ticked that I wasn't having my all natural birth with my possibly LAST baby, so I was like what the heck, everything else isn't going my way and I let her break my water. I stood up to walk around after breaking my water and WOW. It was like immediately getting worse. I didn't even realize it but I started rocking side to side, leaning over the bed, breathing heavy. I remember fluid just gushing from me and I was worried because it seemed like so much, but she said it was fine.

The contractions got harder and harder. There was like NO break between them. It felt like my insides were being squeezed out. I literally thought I was dying. They asked if I wanted the epidural and I agreed, though deep down I still didn't want it, I hate the risks and I hate how bad it hurts to get it. Without a doubt, this was my most painful labor, and I just couldn't breathe, I couldn't get ahold of my breathe, all I could do was cry, but it wasn't even a real cry because I couldn't stay on top of my breathing. I was sitting up right on the bed, holding on to Perry and the nurse, telling them my dying wishes. The nurse was totally smirking and trying to hold back the laughter at what I was saying. Looking back, I don't blame her; I said some pretty ridiculous stuff!

Dr. Robinson (the anesthesiologist) came in, I couldn't sit still. I was moving because it hurt sooo bad. I was crying. Still unable to stay on top of my breathing. There was NO break between contractions. It was just one after another after another. I couldn't breathe. I just cried hysterically. My nurse and husband tried to calm me down, but I just told them I was dying and tell my sons I loved them.

Dr. Robinson told me I had to stay still if I wanted this but I couldn't. Literally, could not. Oh and during this whole time the midwife stayed in the room with me. My poor husband said he gave the doc a desperate look like please don't leave her like this and the doc winked back at him. Finally, somehow some way he got the epidural in place and I laid down. That was at 4:30pm. I was checked and was completely effaced and 6-7 centimeters. I knew it would go fast from here.

The midwife(s) left. I was so cold and shaking. My blood pressure even dropped so they had to give me some medicine. I kept saying how scared I was. The nurse didn't understand why but all I could think was I'm not out of the woods yet. I've had a lot medical interventions with this baby, so my chances of c-section are high. I was so scared. And still angry because history was repeating itself. Again.

I started feeling pressure in my bottom. This was going fast. And this labor resembled Zeke's a lot. My nurse checked me around and said I was 9. I kept telling her, it's time it's time and sure enough by 5:10pm I was fully dialated. I remember just being so scared beyond words and all I wanted was Perry by my side but husband was in the bathroom! I mean, really, let's talk about some bad timing, man!!

They paged the midwife. It took her literally a year and a day to get there. It was after 5:30 before she got there. And boy was I having pressure in my bottom!!!

She gets there and I start to push. It's the strangest thing having your legs up and wide open with a bunch of strangers in the room, walking in and out, seeing you DOWN THERE. I remember one nurse walked by and looked and said, "Wow, she's a good pusher!" Yes, that is probably the best compliment I've ever received. Birthin' babies is what I do ;)

Anyways, it took 3 pushes in 2 contractions and she was out. And the strangest thing happened with my first push, I LITERALLY felt Macie move from my stomach. Like, her legs/feet were up by my ribs (my top left) and I felt them move down. It was the weirdest feeling ever. I hope I never forget that feeling.

My littlest baby. 7lb 9oz 21inches long, Macie Danielle, but she seemed so much smaller than that to us.

Macie came out screaming. (Asher came out silent, Zeke was not real loud but not silent, and Macie was loud so I had one of each. lol)She had the cord wrapped around her neck (a couple times, I think) and her body. Same thing happened to Asher and happens in about 20% of all births. First thing I noticed about Macie was how small she was. And remember, this is the midwife who insisted Macie would be big because I have “big” babies, and she said what a big baby she was. Uh huh.

Macie was born on February 16th, 2011 at 5:41pm weighing 7lbs 9oz 21 inches long. VERY average and my smallest baby - as I predicted.

Me and baby girl second night in the hospital.

Poor Macie must've sensed the stress off me because she only seemed content in her daddy's arms. But shortly after birth we did skin to skin followed by nursing and I really think that helped us bond. I remember feeling frustrated because she would be content with Perry, then I would hold her and she would flip out, back to Perry, she was fine. That frustrated me. I was like, “Guess she's HIS baby.” Yes, I'm totally spoiled by my boys who were and mostly still are, mommy's boys. Another thing I noticed, she was born hungry. I mean, she was attacking her hands, like, looking for something to latch to. Once I offered it to her, she latched right on and did NOT want to stop. I also am grateful for skin to skin for saving our relationship. It's like once we spent some time doing skin to skin, those hormones were released and she and I were bonded. She became content with me and all the anger and frustration I had been holding in was gone. I had such a high, such a love for this baby. You would've thought she was my first, I did NOT want her leaving my sight, I was too in love with her to sleep – all I wanted to do was hold her, to keep my eyes on her. She was so little, so sweet. Though she adores her daddy, she is a mommy's girl :-)

Still can't get over that we have a girl!

Labor was 5 hours and 11 minutes start to finish. However, that would be more impressive if it were "natural". I also got the most stitches with Macie and honestly, I don't know why. I also lost more blood. And as my 3rd baby, that was my hardest recovery.

She's still all smiles :)

I am in love with my sweet girl. It saddens me I didn't have the the labor/delivery I wanted. I still have regrets. I think, I shouldn't have let them do the pitocin, maybe just let them break my water instead - at least that's natural even though it is an intervention. Or then I think, I should've had them do my blood work and get the results BEFORE doing anything. But hines sight is 20/20. I think I really need to start trusting myself more and quit the doubting...

My sweet baby girl about 1 week old.

If do have another baby, I do plan on a home birth (I joke with my hubs, unassisted if must be). I'm tired of having a baby being viewed as some scary thing. I want to be happy and I want the people there to be happy for me. I want love and support and consideration. Not controlling out of fear. I want to feel every pain, I don't want to be numb. I want to move around. I want God to be my epidural!!! As much as this didn't go as planned, it could've been much worse. I thank God He was with me and Macie and took care of us. I give Him credit for all good things, He took care of me when I had the boys, too. He is amazing :))

But anyways. That's my birth story and I'm stickin' to it.

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