Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Asher's day on the ranch!

Saturday December 3rd, 2016

Asher's Big Brother took him to a ranch about 50 miles south of where we live to help clear snow and do "man stuff". You guys...I am so, so thankful for my boys' Bigs. They invest time in my boys which means so much considering their dad has basically abandoned my children. And since we have no family around, I am all the more appreciative of these men who volunteer to their time to invest in my sons!

Asher's Big is almost always doing something new, exciting and active with him - AND I LOVE IT! I love how he does "man" stuff with my boy! I love how he encourages Ash and always sees the bright side of things (thinking of Ash's experience in swim lessons that he signed him up for). And his wife is also great with Asher - he loves them both!

Zeke loves his Big as well. Though their agenda differs much from Ash's and his Big, Zeke's Big is still there for Zeke and even attended one of his soccer games! Both guys are so different, but that's not a bad thing at all. My boys treasure the time spent with them. They are both good guys!

I am just so happy for my boys. I love them both and I am so grateful to God for placing these men in their lives.

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