When I look at this pic, I see the stay-at-home mother and wife who extended breastfed, co-slept and loved all things natural and organic. I see a women who loved to serve her family, desired to homeschool - but in the meanwhile, was active in her son's (public) schooling. This woman was constantly praying, reading and seeking wise counsel so to be the best mother, wife, friend and person humanly possible. This woman had dreams of more children, homebirths, and sharing facts on breastfeeding and vaccines.
Having realized trying to create a happy home within in the context of an angry, abusive man is in fact, NOT the will of God, this woman had to leave for the safety and wellbeing of her children, and herself. Being thrown into a whole new lifestyle of single parenting; working, going back to school, while meeting all the emotional and physical needs of three kids alone has left her...exhausted. Organic food? A rarity these day. Co-sleeping? Ugh, I'll just take the couch. Quality time for prayers and book reading? I've been reading the same book since July.
This picture breaks my heart. I feel like I lost her somehow.
May 2017 bring a new season of...balance. Of finding one's identity. Of restoration...and of hope.