Those closest to me have heard me say this multiple times, but it's like I cannot emphasize this enough. He is my provider, our provider, for my kids and I. He's always been a provider, but last time I felt it to this extreme was in 2007. When He gives and gives and gives, even when I don't ask He gives me just what I need before I know I need it, my cups runs over. I'm left in shock, but Lord don't you know what the things I've done? Why bless me so? Abundance comes to mind.
He has used our church as a tool to bless us. They have gone above and beyond what I've confided in them. I believe God has given them a compassionate heart for my family. Before going to the store tonight, I went to the mailbox and there was a Christmas card from church, with a gift card. He knew. He knows.
Tears come to my eyes as I replay everything in my head. All this reminds that He does love me so. Everything everyone else has not been, He has stood in the gap. There's a couple relationships (relationships very common that most people have) that the kids and I don't have - and sometimes I may put too much in having those relationships and it angers/saddens me that we don't. BUT He has fulfilled those roles and then some. The kids and I have yet to go without. He is incredibly faithful. Provider. Faithful. You hear these words often but they are true. Don't let yourself be desensitized by hearing them so often, but ponder them in your heart, let them linger.
The reason I can get up every day and keep going is because I know He's got my back. My kids' backs. He has us in the palm of His hand. So I choose not to worry about our future, I know in His perfect timing He will open the perfect doors and present the perfect opportunities. He has proven faithful, I don't have to worry. The stresses of the world are not for me to carry. Through Him I have experienced peace that transcends understanding. He is a good Father! The Best.
Wake up, choose to release the worries of the world, of my circumstances to Him. Fully surrender. Serve Him in what I do. Repent when I sin. Lay at His feet worries/fear/concerns/joys/praise reports. Pray for others. Pray through the day. Thank Him. My future in secure in Christ alone.
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