Friday, September 5, 2014

Servants Heart

Tuesday September 2nd, 2014

Let me tell ya about my guys...

The other day as we were getting off the exit on our way to Macie's ballet, we passed two men on the side of the road holding a sign saying, "Montana". Asher and Zeke both chimed in that we should help them. What if their car broke down? We should give them money. I hate to admit it, but these kinds of situations kind of make me nervous - especially being alone with the kids. But they kept on and on, saying it would be the right thing to do. How can you say no to that? I took it as God speaking to the heart of my boys, and I had the choice to honor it. 

Once ballet was over, we went to the bank and withdrew some money. The verse written below came to me when I was thinking what we should say.

We went back to where the men were, but no longer were they there. Their sign was left on the ground. We discussed the possibility of them possibly getting a ride with someone else. We decided to leave this envelope in the car, that we would be on the look out for someone in need, and when we found such person, we would have this on hand to give to them.

Now, I know we aren't supposed to brag about good deeds, but this isn't my boys bragging about themselves, this is my observation of these two young fellas whom I am so proud of. I love their hearts. I love how it was such a burden on their hearts to do something to help those strangers out. I hope they never lose that quality. That they always stay in touch with what God speaks to them, and that they will be quick to respond. <3

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