Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In Review

2013 has been a cRaZy year full of many ups and downs, curves, bumps, the works! But hey, we made it! We all survived! God is good!

We started off 2013 in January with my surgery. Yes, thyroid cancer is one of the first things I think of when I reflect on this past year. So many challenges were faced that I never imagined I would have to face at 24-25 years old. But looking back, I can also see the faithfulness of God. The journey continues, and that is what I must remember; it's a journey. 

Another huge event was when Perry left for North Dakota in March. He was gone for 7 months. That alone was such a challenging time for our family, and personally a trying time for me as I had just started my 12-week detox. Emotions were running wild for everyone in the Robinson family. This decision ultimately lead to our big move in October. (Get back to me later in 2014 on how I really feel about that! LOL!) 

When I think 2013, I also think Thrive: 

"Your marriage is what you make it, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer.
So, how are you doing?

Every marriage has room to grow, and we all can benefit from a deeper relationship with our spouses. Yet, we never seem to have time to just work on our marriages. No matter how long you have been married, Thrive will help you understand God's plan for your marriage and discover new insights about your relationship with your spouse."
It kind of sucked having to go through that without Perry as he left for N.D. just a couple weeks into it, but ultimately I think the separation may have been a life saver at that particular moment in our marriage. 
Perry and I also celebrated 6 years of marriage in June.
2013 also brought our kids their first trip to the beach! We took them to Myrtle Beach for a couple days in May and they loved it. I think Asher may very well be my beach bum child. He still asks to go back. ;-) 
2013 is/was Zeke's last year of being a single digit in age. Asher's first year of school. And in 2013, Macie developed some real attitude personality. ;-) Everyone is growing up and growing into their own little people! Exciting and challenging! I need to sing to myself as I have sung to Perry, "you're going to miss this... you're going to want this back... you're going to wish these days hadn't gone by so fast". 
I also discovered Lysa TerKeurst, Priscilla Shirer, Jen Hatmaker, and fell more in love with Ann Voskamp. All incredibly godly women who I have learned from either through their Bible studies, blogs, books, and/or following them on Facebook. Their words of encouragement have helped encourage me many a times this past year. 
I read some good books this year - the few that stick out the most being Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, Captivating by Stasi Eldredge, and Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. (I also want to make a note that I still believe two of the best books anyone could ever read are Grace Walk and The DNA of Relationships. Just felt the need to add that.) 
Continuing the theme of 2012, I believe 2013 also carried with it an underlying theme of forgiveness and reunification. 
In November, my eldest sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. This arises so many questions on so many different levels for me, personally, as I'm sure for her as well. BUT, she is a very smart and strong woman - whom I admire so much. And her husband is very calm, rational, and supportive. She has switched doctors and has an appointment in January and will know more then. 
November also makes me think of Kotah, our dog. We had to part ways as he became increasingly aggressive with the kids and I. He eventually bit and so Perry had to find him another home. Maybe we will try getting another dog again sometime later down the road, but as of right now, we are in no hurry.  

Oh! Something I'm very excited about that is also a "new" this last year - THE HONEST COMPANY. Check it out! I just ordered their diaper/wipe bundle and am very pleased! Since it seems we are in no hurry to potty train, and I try to buy the most "natural" and "green" diapers for Macie anyway, this has been so cool because you get to pick the diaper patterns! A portion of the money is also donated to those in need. Seriously, just go check it out. Super cool stuff.

2013 theme song for me (says friends) but also as I think about it, for my family, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8VoUYtx0kw Mandisa "Overcomer"

Lastly, 2013 brought a new hobby and love - knitting! I am new to it and have only completed one project; a scarf for Macie. It is highly addicting and so therapeutic. I thoroughly enjoy it. I could totally stay curled up on the couch and knit away all day while overlooking our snow covered yard. ;-)

Macie's scarf.

Oh, me oh my, Asher has grown up so much this year. 
He's learning more about himself and the world around him. He's coming into his own self. 

This has been a big year for Zeke! 
In GA, he was put into the advanced content classes at school. In ND, he continues to excel in his classes and impress his teacher. Most importantly, 2013 is the year he became baptized! 

Still need to write about this conference I went to in September.
It. messed. me. up. bad.

"Please, daddy." 
Can you guess what his answer was?

Long, straight ND road.

Baby babywearing!

Christmas day.

Tea with little sis.

Tea time with daddy!

Asher helping Macie feed her baby.

The guys. <3 

The first snowman.

...This spoke so much to me this year.

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