Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Truth Is...

I haven't lived out perfect faith during this whole health issue process. Truth is, I worry, sometimes a lot. Though, let me be clear, I am completely confident in the decision to go the natural route instead of radioactive iodine - there are still the "what ifs" - which I believe I would have even if I went the traditional route. Truth is, I almost feel guilty or selfish to be so worried when in the world of cancers, I got the "best". This girl used to never ask God why...that same girl has started asking why. Some days are so good, and my faith feels as though it cannot be shaken. Some days my faith feels non-existent and I must pray for my faith to grow and strengthen.
I do not know much about Joel Osteen other than the status updates on his Facebook page. He seems like a pretty positive guy. I like positive. My natural default perspective tends to be negative. Hey, I'm a work in progress - He's not finished with me yet. :) The other day I was actually able to watch one of his sermons and saw the below picture advertised on the tv:
So, I go on his website and if you make a donation of any size, they mail you both his series, "Healing is Yours" and his moms book, "Healed of Cancer". They were pretty fast to get both in the mail to me and I received them today. I am excited to dive into both and see what the Lord will have me learn! I am hopeful that I will learn new things that I can apply to my faith, my relationship with Christ, apply in my life, set a better example and just be more positive in general and less self-focused.

I do hope I am already fully healed of cancer. I do hope I am blessed with a long life on earth as Perry's wife, and Zeke, Asher, and Macie's mom. I do hope I am given more oppurtunities to serve and spread the Good News - to meet new people and help point them in His direction. Selfishly, I also want to travel and see and experience all the beautiful Creation He has made!!

This is a starting point, to change the way I think and speak. I know the tongue has so much power (Proverbs 18:21). I don't want to live in this fear, negative state that I was brought up in. I'm free of that now - I am a new creation!

"I will restore health to you, and heal you of your wounds." Jeremiah 30:17

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23


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