Above - my gift from Zeke's teacher. Below - my gift from the librarian!
May 25th was Zeke's last day of school! He is officially DONE with the second grade! Wow! I have a THIRD GRADER!!! Yikes! They say kids grow up fast and that is the truth!! The reality of this is it for our family and public school is setting in...we are a homeschoolin' family! AHHH!! It won't be official til school starts (August?) but still, we aren't public schoolers anymore. It's definitely bitter sweet! When Zeke originally started at Silver City, I was less than thrilled about them. (He went to a different school for kindgarten, and started SCES 1st grade.) The first lady I met there wasn't very sympathic and actually kind of rude. Then their car pool line was innnsane, to say the least. So unorganized, took forever. I would get there an hour before school let out, yet they would never have Zeke to me til literally the cars in the back were getting their kids. Obviously it got better a couple weeks into school (1st grade year). 2nd grade I was preparing for the worst but it was never as bad as the previous year. I volunteered on a weekly basis. Actually averaging 2+ days a week. I met and got close with some people. These relationships I'll miss. I actually grew to love this school. I used to compare to Zeke's first school (Sawnee) but now I say Sawnee can learn from Silver City. :)
Wednesday the 23rd was the end of year party for Zeke's class. His teacher gave me a gift! She cried when she talked about the kids. She bought every kid a trophy with 3 stars. First star representing the parents, second star representing community (teacher), and third star representing the kids, raising above. Very sweet. The kids also got awards or certificates and they voted on each other. Zeke got ball of energy. I cracked up! Very appropriate!
We will miss SCES and Mrs. Starr and every body there! Happy Summer, everyone!
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