A year ago today was a very (unnecessarily) scary and traumatic day for me. Though the end result was nothing short of wonderful, she would've been just as wonderful had she been allowed to make her big debut when she was ready to. I still can't believe what happened actually happened. I can't believe how acceptable its become to have control-out-of-fear common in the birth process. I can't believe the amount of woman who are robbed of this God-given experience.
I can't help but wonder when we're going to give birth back to God?... When are we going to stop it with the man-made interventions and let the body do exactly what God made it to do? When are we let go and let God? And why have we even started with all these interventions? In the rare case thats necessary, yay, but 90-something percent of the time its not and once again we're abusing our knowledge of things. In fact, most of the time, we make things worse. Why the need for all the interventions? To fatten a certain someone's pocket? 'Cause I sure know its not for mommy & babys benefit. Studies have shown the lack of bonding through these interventions, the disstress it causes baby, the blues it causes mommy,the risk it causes them, the experience it robs. I just...don't understand why some in the medical (I feel) choose to abuse their power and why the patient doesn't question things. But sometimes even that's not enough.
I hope things change. I hope one day (sooner than later?) women will take back this experience. Ok, you may go over 40 weeks - so what?! In the scheme of things, a couple extra days preggers is nothing. Next go round, I plan on not complaining on "being ready" or whatever. Next time, I'm going to better appreciate every day my baby has within me because it's obviously a day much needed. And next time, I will choose to put my trust in God knowing He created my body to birth my child, no interventions necessary.
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