Monday, September 14, 2015

Kisses From Heaven For Asher

Tomorrow morning we go to the hospital for Asher to be put to sleep and have (lots!) of dental work done. This is something I've been putting off for nearly a year. Ya see, last year Asher had a tooth pulled and ever since he has had dental anxiety. It has become so bad that he kicks, screams, and chokes even while under the influence of  "gas". Right now he has an abcess tooth that is badly infected and he also has cavities. I have tried to help him heal naturally, though sadly I started too late in the game and his infected tooth is BAD and needs immediate removal. From here on out, I hope to help Asher so that he does not continue to have these dental issues.

Now, we have received confirmation and "kisses" from Heaven throughout this that have been a comfort to this mama's worrisome heart. 

When I first agreed to the hospital procedure, the soonest appointment was a month out. Asher's tooth and the entire area is red, swollen and causing him great pain. I scheduled it anyway and they put us on a call list should an earlier appointment open up. Next thing in order, insurance  -  we all know how fun they are to deal with! ;)

Kiss One: I get a call at the end of the week saying something opened up on the 15th. Score! Before I even hung up, insurance beeped in; we're all set to go! God knew with the surgery being moved up that I would feel all the more pressure to get all things insurance in order and so He was on it! Insurance literally called me while I was on the phone with the dentist office.

Kiss Two: I started a new job. My boss was very kind and understanding to allow me the day off to be with Asher, and even was cool about me talking to the hospital for a good 15 minutes while on the clock! It's always good to have an understanding employer. 

Kiss Three: This is a big one because it means so much to my guy. The hospital told me to bring a toy or something that is of comfort to Asher. I was telling him this and he said he didn't have one, that the only thing he would like is his beyblades. We ordered beyblades from China 1.5 weeks ago and was told it may be October before they arrive. Well, we get home this afternoon and there's the package waiting by our door! Thank You Jesus!! I made sure to point this out to Asher as a gift from Heaven. Now he is feeling better about his day tomorrow and having his item of "comfort" with him.

So now when I'm tempted to fear, I remind myself of these things and how God is all up in this, working this all out for the good of OUR Asher John. What a great Father we have!!!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Macie's First Day of Pre-K

Tuesday September 8, 2015

And she loves it!!! Loves it, loves it, LOVES IT!!! No complaints here! She will be going Monday-Thursday for about 3.5 hours, so it's not too much. It's weird for me not having her with me 24/7 because she is my one child I was able to be a SAHM with from pregnancy on. But this is a great experience for her, and again,  it is short days so not bad at all. Next year she will be going to school with Asher and that is so wild to me because when I look at her I still see my 7lb 9oz baby!!!

Sibling Love

Macie and I were at the store today and I had gotten her a treat.  We also grabbed something for the boys. While in the checkout line, Macie was talking about what we got the boys and shared her excitement in giving it to them. The lady in front of us turned around and commented on how sweet it is that Macie wants to get something for the boys and that most little girls don't love their brothers that way.

And ya know what, I may be biased, but I think my kids have a pretty special bond between them. Yes of course they will fight as all siblings do, but their love for one another is like nothing I've ever seen before. They are so close in every aspect. Ultra protective of one another. Always thinking of the other. Their love is inspiring! I am proud to be their mom and so excited to see how their friendships blossom as they grow.