So this happened today...
I don't usually blog about this kind of stuff, but I found this utterly upsetting and concerning.
I don't even live in California and when I saw this come up in my news feed, my heart sank. To me, this isn't a pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine issue; this is a rights issue. Our rights to choose what is best for our children is being stripped away from us. Vaccines are not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing. I've heard some argue that you don't HAVE to have your child vaccinated in CA, they just can't attend school there. That seems like a bully move.
This law is unconstitutional. I think regardless of where you stand with vaccines, this law should concern you. It starts with taking away our right to choose (they're even taking away Religious exemption! Unconstitutional!!) and slowly over time we will start to lose "the right" to make personalized decisions regarding the best interest of our children. This is scary stuff, people. This is a slippery slope we are treading. I have no doubt that in time it will go beyond losing rights as parents, but as American citizens in general. This country doesn't feel so free. This feels like the beginning of the end. I can't help but worry for my children and their futures and their children's futures and so on.
I just want to encourage everyone to do your research and stand your ground. You may think no big deal about this law because you have made the choice to vaccinate your children, but what about later when they take away something that matters a lot to you? Think about what allowing them to have this power will do in the future?
California is a big and influential state and in no time other states will be following suit. One can't help but question the real agenda here as they mandate all children to be vaccinated and take away parents right to go after the pharmaceutical companies for any vaccine related injury. "The love of money is the root of all evil."
No one on this earth cares more about your kids than you do. Imagine how you would feel if you were being forced to do something to your kids that you felt so strongly against? That's reality for so many tonight. And the "just home school" comment isn't productive. What about the single parent who doesn't have that luxury?
I urge you please to research and once this comes to your state (because it's only a matter of time before it does) please stand your ground against this horrendous and unconstitutional law. For yourself, for your babies, and for all the other loving parents and innocent children out there. Someone in some high and mighty job title who will never meet you or your child(ren) should ever have the right to make a personal decision for you and your child(ren).
Praying for our country and all the hurting families tonight.
"Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin