Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday, Asher!

4 years ago today at 4:55pm (that's what the hospital said, I thought it was 4:56) my sweet, sweet Asher man was born! Right from the start, he was such an easy going baby! He started sleeping through the night at just a couple months old, he was very easy to put to bed, he always had a smile on his face and still does!

Asher is such a happy boy! He has a fabulous heart! He really looks out for the ones he loves especially big brother, little sister, and mommy! He loves God and loves learning about Him. He constantly prays for others - if you have a one time prayer request, no worries, Ash will keep praying that pray for ya months later! He says the sweetest and random things, "I love you mommy no matter what!" For no reason he will just blow me and Macie kisses, he's good about giving random hugs and encouraging words. Sometimes when he gets in trouble, he says in a kind of panicky voice, "Do you forgive me?"

Asher melts my heart. I am so thankful God gave me him and I so wish he would stop growing up sooo fast!!!!

Love you, Asher man, for ever and always NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Life Without God

"I don't believe Christianity is the only way."


Those are the words I just heard spoken by someone I am very close to, someone I love very much.

What do you say to something like that? Especially when that person comes from a broken and very abusive home, all done "in the name of the Lord"? My heart is broken, my mind is racing.

I don't know how people live w/out God. I take such comfort when there's a situation I'm faced with and it has me baffled, I can just go to Him! He can and will lead me! Or during tragedies or difficult times, it's comforting to know that there's a bigger picture than me in the here and now. That God takes care of those who love Him. It's good to know that when I'm at a lose, He is not! He is up to something good and marvelous!

But what about those who are at a lose? "I don't know what to do." they say. What do I say? I try to seek the Lord for advice but they don't believe. So, when they're at a lose, they really are. Sometimes I give my Christian advice anyways. And I'll pray for them. I think one of the biggest ways to witness to someone is not by preaching, but by the way you conduct and live out your life.

I love this person so much. I have faith that one day she will embrace Abba.